Advanced Algorithms

SunSolve Yield uses the most sophisticated algorithms available in the industry for the optical, thermal and electrical stages of the simulation.

Transparent Physics First modelling

SunSolve has been designed to avoid oversimplifications and simulate the physics to provide the most accurate results possible. The algorithms are all published in scientific research and detailed in our technical manual.

Advanced Optical Model

The ray tracing engine in SunSolve Yield follows the physical behaviour of light at each wavelength as it bounces around the system and into the solar cells and modules.

Full forward ray tracing

SunSolve follows the path of light from the sun, through the system, accounting for reflections, and shading. This allows SunSolve to model the impact of every component in the system on the final yield.

Fully wavelength dependent

The SunSolve model includes the full spectrum of light from the sun and models the impact of each wavelength on the system. Users simply select material types from our library and spectrum is automatically included.

Simulation right into the cell

Cell and module manufacturers can experiment with different cell textures, busbars, ribbons and much more. This helps them design the cells and modules that will maximise the energy yield of a PV system operating under real-world conditions.

Advanced thermal model

Thermal performance has a large impact on output power. It's important to model it accurately.

Accounts for module tilt and wind direction

SunSolve Yield can be set to automatically account for the tilt of the modules and the direction of the wind.

Models the influence of ground and sky temperature

As the modules tilt, they radiate heat to and from the sky and ground. SunSolve Yield models this heat transfer.

Reduces uncertainty in yield forecasts

SunSolve's advanced thermal models have been found to reduce the error in the simulated module temperature by a factor of 2 or 3.

Full module circuit simulation

To accurately simulate the electrical performance of a solar module, you need to account for the behaviour of the cells, the bypass diodes and the stringing layout.

Full circuit simulation, including bypass diodes

While most other programs simply treat the module as a black box, SunSolve models the electrical behaviour of each cell and how they are connected both within the module and within the string.

Cell-to-cell losses automatically accounted for

When a some cells in a solar module are shaded, it reduces the output of the whole module. SunSolve automatically accounts for this and feeds it into the next stage of the simulation.

Accounts for module-to-module mismatch losses

Where shaded cells reduce the performance of a module, that module can reduce the performance of the whole string. Because SunSolve takes a physics-first approach these results are all computed with no additional user input.


The only simulation environment that models the physics from solar cell right through to annual yield.

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