Using SunSolve Yield to solve AC
This video show you how you to solve AC using SunSolve Yield accounting for both cell-to-cell and module-to-module mismatch
This video show you how you to solve AC using SunSolve Yield accounting for both cell-to-cell and module-to-module mismatch
This video show you how you can to rapidly calculate the bifacial adjustment factors required by PVSyst to deal with the complexities presented by real-world bifacial installations
This video describes the different types of modules that can be simulated in SunSolve-Yield
This video describes the process to load weather from a csv file. The csv file could be generated from a variety of sources such as Meteonorm, Solcast, SolarGIS and NRELs National Solar Radiation Database.
This video walks you through the steps to create and run your first yield simulation
This video describes in more detail the inputs used define a SAT system
This video describes the steps required to add a frame onto a simple module
This is an extended version of the presentation given by Dr Keith McIntosh (PV Lighthouse) at the 2023 PVPMC workshop. It quantifies the difference between advanced and conventional models (such as those used in PVSyst, SAM and PVLib) for 8 physical mechanisms.
The study was presented at the 49th IEEE PVSC in Philadelphia 2022 and covers how module temperature depends on wind speed, wind direction and tilt and how best to model the module temperature.
This video explains how to use the module library in SunSolve Yield
What if solar modules were designed for real-world conditions rather than the datasheet? What if you could modify any physical feature of a solar cell or module and predict how it will behave once mounted in the field?
Do you know how much extra yield can be gained by optimising your tracker angle? In our recent presentation at the IEEE PVSC, Dr Keith McIntosh used SunSolve to show that the optimum angle for both monofacial and bifacial panels is NOT always directly facing the sun.
This is a presentation from the 47th IEEE PVSC 2020 covers Which modules produce more power in a two-high bifacial system, a comparison of simulation results to experiment, a breakdown of the factors that cause non-uniform illumination in two-high system and more
This is a presentation from the 47th IEEE PVSC 2020 and covers accurate prediction of bifacial modules in a tracking PV system, understanding sources of non-uniform illumination and cell to cell mismatch and comparison of simulation to experimental facility.