How the optimal tilt angle of single-axis trackers differs between monofacial and bifacial modules

· Keith McIntosh · SunSolve Yield Videos

Do you know how much extra yield can be gained by optimising your tracker angle?

In our recent presentation at the IEEE PVSC, Dr Keith McIntosh used SunSolve to show that the optimum angle for both monofacial and bifacial panels is NOT always directly facing the sun. Furthermore, he quantified the gain in annual yield that arises when calculations of the optimal angle include diffuse light. In the six case studies examined in the project, the predicted gain lay between 0.8 and 2.1 percent.

On a large installation, these gains can be converted into a significant financial gain, but the question is always how much. With SunSolve it’s possible to predict that gain for a particular site. For some sites, it may not make financial sense after considering the costs of implementation while for others the gains are significant.

This presentation demonstrates how comprehensive the SunSolve model is. It accounts for more secondary effects than any other tool in the PV industry.

This is a presentation from the 48th IEEE PVSC 2021. The presentation covers the following topics:

  • How much yield can be gained by optimising your tracker angle?
  • How does the optimum angle vary for monofacial and bifacial trackers.
  • Quantifying the gain in annual yield that arises when calculations of the optimal angle include diffuse light.