SunSolve Publications

SunSolve is referenced in over 100 academic papers covering everything from world record breaking cells through to improving the accuracy of annual yield calculations.
Arizona State University (ASU), Colorado School of Mines

Energy & Environmental Science
Szewczyk2023 : Reactive silver inks: a path to solar cells with 82% less silver


Nature Energy 2023 8:8
Lin2023 : Silicon heterojunction solar cells with up to 26.81% efficiency achieved by electrically optimized nanocrystalline-silicon hole contact layers

Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile, University of Granada, Spain

Applied Sciences 2023, Vol. 13, Page 9323
Revollo2023 : HIT Solar Cell Modeling Using Graphene as a Transparent Conductive Layer Considering the Atacama Desert Solar Spectrum

Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI)

Materials 2022, Vol. 15, Page 5024
Elsmani2022 : Raytracing Modelling of Infrared Light Management Using Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) as a Back-Reflector Layer in a Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cell (SHJ)

Université Grenoble Alpes, CEA

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
Eymard2022 : Characterization of UV–Vis–NIR optical constants of encapsulant for accurate determination of absorption and backscattering losses in photovoltaics modules

Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), and many more

Advanced Functional Materials
Cao2020 : Stable MoOx Based Heterocontacts for p-Type Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Achieving 20% Efficiency

University of Central Florida (UCF)

Gregory2020a : Transparent Hole-Selective Contacts for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells using Molybdenum Oxide and a Thin Aluminum Oxide Passivation Layer

Arizona State University (ASU), University of Ottawa

Lewis2020a : Impact of Air Mass on Energy Yield Calculation for Bifacial Silicon Heterojunction Photovoltaic Modules in High-Latitude Conditions

Fraunhofer ISE, Institute of Sustainable Energy Systems (INES), Apollon Solar

Reinwand2019 : Lab-scale manufacturing of medium-sized NICE modules with high-efficiency bifacial silicon heterojunction solar cells

PV Lighthouse, Arizona State University (ASU)

McIntosh2017a : Absorption in each layer of a silicon heterojunction solar cell