SunSolve Privacy policy

SunSolve is a product developed by PV Lighthouse Pty Ltd (PVL). The following table details the information that is collected while interacting with this website and using SunSolve.

Last updated: April 22, 2024
Email address

When collected:

Collected when registering to use SunSolve and when emailing feedback.

Why collected:

Allows you to log onto SunSolve to store and retrieve your data. Allows PV Lighthouse respond to feedback from users.

Shared with:

Not shared with anyone else.

When collected:

Collected when registering to use SunSolve.

Why collected:

Helps prevent others from logging onto SunSolve as you.

Shared with:

Not shared with anyone. Your password is stored in a hashed format, which means it cannot be read by our staff and cannot shared with others.
Inputs and outputs to calculators

When collected:

Collected when you are logged onto SunSolve and request settings to be saved on the SunSolve server. Not collected when you are not logged onto SunSolve.

Why collected:

Allows registered users to store and retrieve inputs and outputs.

Shared with:

Not shared with anyone.
IP address

When collected:

Not collected by PV Lighthouse.

Why collected:

Shared with:

Not shared with anyone.
Location: city/region

When collected:

Not collected by PV Lighthouse.

Why collected:

Shared with:

Not shared with anyone.
Location: country

When collected:

Not collected by PV Lighthouse.

Why collected:

Shared with:

Not shared with anyone.
Browser information when on PVL pages

When collected:

Not collected by PV Lighthouse.

Why collected:

Shared with:

Not shared with anyone.
Subcontractors: PV Lighthouse may hire subcontractors to provide services on its behalf. Any such subcontractors may be provided a subset of the data above only to deliver the services PV Lighthouse has retained them to provide. They are prohibited from using data for other purposes.